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Volunteer Opportunities

MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK. There are many ways to help support the HFHE community. Please sign up to host TWO ACTIVITIES (last four questions) OR Choose ONE ADMINISTRATION POSITION (Board or Other Admin - first two questions). This allows HFHE members to enjoy many faith-filled activities and free/discounted fieldtrips throughout the year.  

1. BOARD POSITIONS are available on a rotating basis. These are elected positions. Elections take place at the HFHE Annual Meeting. Please speak with a current board member expressing your interest to join the Board of Directors.
3. ANNUAL COMMUNITY GATHERINGS: Annual events last about 4 hours, including set-up and post event cleaning. Typically 3-4 volunteers are needed. Members attending the event assist as requested.
4. FIELD TRIP COORDINATORS Coordinate all details with field trip destination. Invite members to participate via Band and email. Select month(s) to schedule a field trip. Tucson and the surrounding areas have many venues available throughout the year. Be creative! Popular destinations include Sabino Canyon Free School Programs in the fall and spring, Reid Park Zoo, and the Tucson Regional Ballet.
5. ONGOING ACTIVITIES - weekly or monthly
6. ONGOING ACTIVITIES - meet seasonally. Please Note: Outdoor Games & Summer Swim are open to non members as well.

Thank you!

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